Therapy (Music, Massage)

Music Therapist

There is clinical evidence supporting the use of music when offered to those at the end of life. Music therapy can enhance brain function, provide comfort, and promote relaxation. Superior’s Music Therapist can develop a plan addressing your cognitive, emotional, physical, and social needs. Our Music Therapist is highly skilled and very talented using music of various forms and customizes therapy to your specific preferences. She has found that music therapy is particularly effective for those with memory impairment, dementia, or otherwise unresponsive individuals.

Massage Therapist

Massage therapy can be beneficial for hospice patients and is a service that Superior provides as a part of our care. Research has shown that massage can provide peace, relaxation, and comfort. Superior’s Massage Therapist can provide this service in the comfort of your home. If preferred, your spouse or caregiver could be the beneficiary of the massage to reduce their stress and anxiety.